‘They’ say that eating rhino horn makes you horny, whoever ‘they’ are.
Men are prepared to support the global slaughter of rhinos in an attempt to get a decent hard on?
Perhaps they should reconsider their principals and belief systems. They may find the result gratifying. Women tend to like men who don’t needlessly slaughter endangered animals for their own self gratification. They may be willing to help.
Perhaps the manufacturers of viagra should see the immense marketing opportunity here to sell their product to these poor men in such desperate need of a little assistance.
Don’t get me wrong here. I’m not slighting men with penile erectile dysfunction. I’m simply gob smacked that in 2024 there are still men out there who think that taking rhino horn is going to improve their performance. Seriously? It has the same effect as chewing and eating your nails.
Perhaps it has more to do with the blood thirsty unscrupulous thieving murdering bastards who trade in rhino horn. Making a quick buck off the needless slaughter of majestic beasts must be a fulfilling career choice to say the least.
Perhaps this is a symptom of a far greater cancer known as greed that caused the current economic crisis we find ourselves in. A big thank you to the financial gurus who engineered that for us.
Perhaps it’s time for change.